
To the business owners, real estate opportunists, entrepreneurs, artists, and restauranteurs of the Village of Haverstraw and immediate areas:

HaverstrawLife is willing to promote your business and give the readers of HaverstrawLife an in depth look at the experience and products your business offers. HaverstrawLife will provide a lengthy and detailed segment on your business, featured on the site and in its “businesses” section. If interested, please contact HaverstrawLife by email at jared.t.rodriguez(at) is a unique way to promote your business, as the site is geared toward patrons who are interested and involved in the renewal and revitalization of the Village of Haverstraw and downtown district. Thank you for your time. HaverstrawLife is looking forward to dealing with you in the future!



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5 thoughts on “Advertise

  1. Hi! How are you? It’s Hamish from Iron Horse Antiques in Haverstraw. Great website!

    We recently took in a dresser to refinish for your dad but didn’t get his info. The project is nearly done, if you could e-mail his phone #, or give him my cell (845) 699 – 1334 that would be appreciated.

    As you probably know we are relocating our store to Greenwood Lake. Hope you come visit us…Hamish

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